Crosswire & Us





Project Overview

We created an identity for Crosswire and developed a website that truly sets them apart from their competitors.




January, 2020




New York, USA

Concept Exploration

Some early iterations of the core visual narrative and art direction.

Creating the digital landscape

Crosswire challenged us to create a website that defied conventions; something that fully embodied their disruptive approach to the industry. It needed to be unique, memorable and visually striking. The core challenge was visualising Crosswire’s complex service offering in a simple and digestible way. Our solution was to create a 3D environment that represented the digital landscape of a customer’s business which we then brought to life using WebGL.

Concept and execution

The environment was designed using a 3D grid system, inspired by the shapes that make up the company’s brand mark. By repeating these components, we created sections and simple animations to work as visual representations of the product features. The small triangular shapes that move around the landscape represent the users of the product. If you’re interested in knowing a bit more about how we created these features you can read our technical case study for some more in-depth insights into our process.

Creating the brand

We created a brand identity to accurately reflect Crosswire’s values and approach to access management. This included a core brand mark; which is recognisable and nuanced, creative display type echoing the brands visual metaphors, a suite of 2D and 3D brand assets, collateral, website and a comprehensive set of guidelines to help Crosswire scale their brand as their product evolves.

Brand Exploration

Early concept design and exploration of art directions.

Awards &

⮡  Awwwards

Site of the Day

⮡  FWA

Site of the Day


Site of the Day

⮡  Codrops

Technical Feature

⮡  Godly
